You’re sitting in Tuba Bar, your favorite hang-out in Bangkok. You’ve got an icy Singha in front of you. Tuba is sweet as ever, the erotic paintings just as alluring, the people just as intriguing — and you know that first sip of Singha is going to clear the dust from your throat. You’re not worried about your throat. You’re worried about the dust in your mind. You’ve been in Bangkok for a few days, but minute by minute, you begin to feel as though you might as well be back home in WhoCaresVille. You think it might be time to move on, but if you can’t raise your hand to sip that Singha, how are you going to get your butt out of the chair and out the door to what might come next.
It’s not Tuba. It’s not Bangkok. It’s you. And you are not alone. Somewhere in the world — maybe The Outback, maybe the heart of London’s music scene, maybe rigging to run Cyrstal on the Colorado — a traveler has just realized that s/he is bored. The fabulous world has gone flat. Here’s how s/he may have smothered their travel fire: