1. ‘It would be educational and make me more well-rounded.’
Parents love that ‘educational’ and ‘well-rounded’ stuff. You love travel. Put two and two together and keep everyone happy. Shock them by doing your homework (Not school homework, although that wouldn’t hurt — I’m talking Google). You really want to go climb in New Mexico? Throw in some specific side trips to some sites you found that will teach you about Native American culture and history. They’ll be all over that. You really want to go chill on the beach in LA? Be smart about it — don’t forget to mention that it would be a great chance for you to brush up on your Spanish with the Latino population in SoCal. Tell them that you really are feeling limited lately in your textbook-based classroom education — you are super interested all of a sudden in learning about history and culture and geography, and you are on fire to do it hands-on.