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8 Things You Get Jaded About in Texas That Are Actually Awesome

by Tanner Saunders Dec 1, 2016


Not everyone in the world knows about Rhode Island, but everyone knows about Texas. When you tell someone you’re from Texas, it’s common to get asked about those infamous cowboys and their fancy hats and boots. It gets old, but when it comes down to it, there’s nothing more Texas than a cowboy. We might not all wear Cinch jeans and drive a truck, but we’re mighty proud of those that do.

The size.

Everything is bigger in Texas, and we won’t let you forget it. We forget about it, though, and remember the hard way when we google map the drive time from Dallas to El Paso. Texas is freaking huge, and those long car rides can be a lot, but in-between point A and point B you have miles and miles of Bluebell Ice Cream, Buck-ee’s, and a sweet daydream where Chip and Joanna Gaines remodel your house.


When it comes to regional fast food chains, none has a more loyal fan base than Whataburger. The Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit should probably be on the state flag, but even the most diehard Whataburger-er has to admit that those drunken 3am lines can be a little long and get a little rowdy. Luckily, their spicy ketchup is the great Texas equalizer and an ice cold Dr. Pepper will always leaving you coming back for more.

The music scene.

Okay sure, Atlanta has hip-hop and Seattle has grunge, but has anyone ever told you about Texas Country music? Have they ever told you about how much they hate Nashville country. They probably did. and they’ll tell you again. and again. and then….one more time for good measure. Oh, did they mention George Strait? And honestly, even if you don’t like country music, we also gave the world Beyoncé.

The intense weather.

In Texas there might be a heat advisory on Christmas and snow on Spring Break, but we’ve always fought through it. Where else do you see kids playing tennis in 40 mile per hour winds or a football game played out in pounding sleet? The thing about Texas, though, is if you don’t like the climate here, you can just pack up and move to another part of this big ass state.

Mexican food.

The truth, however hard to accept, is that all lives need change every now then. Ask any born and raised Texan, and you’ll find that there comes a time when you, (don’t hate me), just can’t eat any more tacos. Then you leave Texas for a hot second and realize you’d trade all the food in the world for just one. more. taco.

Texas beer.

What is the beer of Texas? Probably a question you really shouldn’t ask. Some swear their lives to Shiner while other rambunctious Texans will fight a hard battle for Lone Star. We are we always fighting? Let’s just have a toast to the fact that we have two state beers (plus hundreds of incredible craft beers) and get back to the party.

The wildflowers.

If you’ve been to Texas you’ve probably seen the hordes of people pulled over on the side of the road taking pictures with our vibrant hued wildflowers. If you’re a real Texan, you’ve also probably seen people risking their lives, running out in front of cattle trucks, to snag the perfect spot for a Instagram-worthy selfie. Now, we don’t condone recklessness, but it’s pretty freaking cool that our state’s natural beauty, even in something as small and simple as a flower, can cause people to literally pull of the road just to take a look (or 3,000 selfies).

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