Photo: Olga Danylenko/Shutterstock

The Greater Patagonian Trail Could Be the Most Epic Through-Hike You Don't Know About

Argentina Chile Insider Guides Hiking
by Carlo Alcos Oct 13, 2016

Since 2013 Jan Dudeck has returned regularly to map out what he has coined the “Greater Patagonian Trail” — a 1500km route which includes old roads, horse and game trails, footpaths, and rivers. It’s the longest continuous trail in South America. From mid-December 2016 to mid-April 2017 a group of four trekkers will traverse the trail to highlight the area — the people, the culture, the landscape — in efforts for the conservation and preservation of the land and local cultures. Garrett Martin, Robyn McLellan, Aljoscha Adam, and Robert Caruana Dingli will be documenting their journey and will put together a feature-length documentary called UNBOUNDED.

They are crowdsourcing funding through Kickstarter to help with the costs of producing the film. The campaign ends October 24; you can help them out here. The photos and captions below describe parts of the trail they will be exploring.

Editor’s note: These spots are all taken directly from travelstoke®, a new app from Matador that connects you with fellow travelers and locals, and helps you build trip itineraries with spots that integrate seamlessly into Google Maps and Uber. Download the app to add any of the spots below directly to your future trips.

Volcano Descabezado Grande

 Descabezado GrandeSan Clemente, ChileGPT Section 1 – Volcano Descabezado Grande
“Image was taken during a horse back tour in 2010 or 2011, two or three years before the birth of the idea to create a long distance hiking trail. We were surprised by being guided on such excellent trails that were not published in the maps available for us at this time. When reviewing these trails in Google Earth, I became aware that it is actually possible to see these trails on satellite images” – Jan Dudeck
#hiking #extreme #camping
Copyright by Jan Dudeck

Laguna Caracol

 Laguna del CaracolSan Clemente, ChileGPT Section 1- Laguna Caracol near the volcano Descabezado
“This lake was created by a volcanic eruption. To get to this lake you need to cross a 4 km wide lava river. This lake does not have a visible train but is trained in the underground by the porous volcanic material that shapes the entire area”- Jan Dudeck
#hiking #camping #extreme
Copyright by Jan Dudeck

Laguna Hornitos

 Laguna HornitosSan Clemente, ChileGPT Section 1 – Crater and Laguna Hornitos
“This is one of many lakes that was created by a volcanic eruption that sealed a valley forming a dam and created a lake” – Jan Dudeck
#hiking #camping #extreme
Copyright by Jan Dudeck

Rio Gonzales

 Rio GonzalezPichirrincón, ChileGPT Section 2 – Crossing Rio Gonzalez
“There are many such river crossings along the entire trail. During snow melt, several of these river crossings are impassable or unsafe. Only once the water level comes down typically during December the trail becomes accessible.” – Jan Dudeck
#hiking #extreme #camping
Copyright by Jan Dudeck

Estero las Monjas

 Estero las MonjasLonquimay, ChileGPT Section 7- Las Monjas
“This very remote Valley just at the border to Argentina and is only sporadically visited by a small number of local settlers and border police and hardly anyone knows the trails and routes in the area (even the border police hires a guide when going there). Therefore asking the local settlers in the valley further down was not very helpful and we had to find a route ourselves over the mountain Ridge into the next valley” – Jan Dudeck
#hiking #extreme #camping
Copyright by Jan Dudeck

Valle Pehuenco

 Valle PehuencoLonquimay, ChileGPT Section 7 – Valle Pehuenco
“This minor road is now only an exit option because it could be replaced by a much nicer horse trail (now regular route) higher up in the mountain Ridge east of the road that passes several lakes” – Jan Dudeck
#hiking #extreme #camping
Copyright by Jan Dudeck

Cordon Caulle

 Cordón CaulleLago Ranco, ChileGPT Section 13 – Cordon Caulle
“Forest destroyed during the recent eruption of Cordon Caulle in 2011. I have been in this area 3 times before the recent eruption which completely changed the landscape. The fascinating thermal springs are now covered by an immense lava layer” – Jan Dudeck
#hiking #extreme #camping
Copyright by Jan Dudeck

Lago Puelo

 Lago PueloCushamen, ArgentinaGPT Section 16 – Crossing Lago Puelo
“This pass from Chile to Argentina was for many years the main route to resupply the remote Chilean settlements on the upper Rio Puelo. This pass is only accessible by foot, horse and boat but not car. There is official border control where you get your exit and entry stamp into your passport. There is a trail near the shoreline but with a pack raft in the backpack you’d rather paddle than walk it” – Jan Dudeck
#hiking #extreme #camping
Copyright by Jan Dudeck

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