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When I was around 11-12 years old, back in the late 80s, I used to build skateboard ramps in my driveway. I clearly remember the large boards of plywood and 2x4s and the long orange extension cord that ran from the garage power outlet to where I had wooden saw-horses set up. I attached a circular saw and a jog saw to this extension cord and used them to cut the plywood and 2x4s, then used a hammer and nails to put it all together. I skateboarded on these ramps in my cul-de-sac from after school til it got dark. Looking back I sometimes wonder how I survived childhood, but I did. Who knows…maybe power saws aren’t all that safe for a pre-teen to use unsupervised (probably not), but the level to which playgrounds have become ultra-safe and to which parents are hovering over their kids to protect them is right out of hand.