IF YOU ARE A MILLENNIAL and spend any time on social media, you probably have at least one friend (or maybe you *are* that friend) who is constantly uploading travel adventure selfies purely for the sake of showing off. The whole institution of the “travel selfie” has become a stale process of flaunting where we are, where we’ve been, and what we’re doing — just, you know, without you. “Look at how interesting I must be, because of this cool place I’m at,” they scream, often successfully filling the rest of us 9-to-5ers and laptop-jockeys with insatiable wanderlust and excessive FOMO.
But finally, someone has taken a moment to provide commentary on this absurd culture of “I’d rather show everyone how I’m living than actually live,” by starting a parody account on Instagram geared toward illustrating just how easy it is to fake the #AuthenticLife.