This Is My Day: A Post Haiti Pick Me Up

by Jared Krauss May 14, 2010
Kids playing on a climbing frame

Photo by Jared Krauss

This week’s This Is My Day submission comes from Jared Krauss, who finds that watching two kids at play can help lift his spirits during a bad week.

It was March 27th, around 3pm, and I’d just gotten off the phone with my mother. It had been a rough week, one week since I got back from my Spring Break volunteer trip to Haiti. I was pretty down in the dumps.

I looked up and saw all the young kids playing around me, and it made me smile. The younger boy, above, was extremely careful, checking every step as he inched his way down. The older boy, below, had run around the play set twice while the smaller boy began his descent. Just as he was starting to come down, the older kid grabbed on to the bottom and began climbing up, without a thought for the younger boy. I couldn’t help but laugh as the younger one stopped and waited – without any anger or frustration – for the more rambunctious boy to make his way up. He then continued his way down and over to his mom once the other kid had gone.

This simple scene picked me up and helped me get back to work.


You can connect with Jared via his personal profile in the Matador Travel Community. If you would like to submit something of your own to This Is My Day, take a look at the submission guidelines.

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