10 Awesome Things to Do on a Friday Night in Rhode Island When You're Stone Cold Sober

Rhode Island Student Work Restaurants + Bars
by Hillary Federico Dec 9, 2015

1. Grab a meal in Federal Hill.

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Mario Batalli didn’t call it one of the “10 best Little Italys in the US” for nothing.

2. Wash your dinner down with an Awful Awful.

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It’s basically a nectar of the Gods.

3. Contemplate art school at RISD’s Museum of Art.

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Those finger paintings you did back in grade school? They could be worth something.

4. Catch a Broadway-style show at Theatre by the Sea.

Once a summer camp for girls, now a stimulating playhouse. With tights.

5. Take a stroll through Waterplace Park.

A photo posted by Daniel Ottochian (@danielottochian) on

In how many places can you watch “fire tenders” travel on torch-lit boats down a river lighting more than 80 bonfires? Oh, and did I mention it’s free?

6. Go for a strike at Alley Katz Bowling Center.

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They might not have Go-Go dancers at the bar anymore, but Dan in Real Life was filmed there. That’s something, right?

7. Gape at the sky above.

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Want to ponder existential thoughts? The Frosty Drew Nature Center and Observatory has got you covered.

8. Bite into an American classic.

Hot dog joints are numerous in Rhode Island, but Olneyville New York System takes the cake, er, weiner.

9. Walk the same ground as Gatsby in Newport.

No, not the Leo one.

10. Ride the Roger Williams Park carousel.

You might just catch a glimpse of Alan Shawn Feinstein.

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