14 Instagrams That Prove Jamacian Island Life Is Where It's At

by Katie Gavin Apr 15, 2015

JAMAICA has been dubbed the ultimate Caribbean island to visit. The island life is well known for action-packed outdoor activities, warm locals, and laid-back attitude. Rather than fighting this conviction we decided to put together our favorite Instagram shots that prove Jamaican island life has it all.

1. Fishing

A photo posted by Jamaica (@jamaicas_beauties) on

2. Blue lagoons

3. Beaches (Negril)

4. Carnival

A photo posted by AdventureMus (@coreymus) on

5. Jungle hideaways

A photo posted by Sean (@seanmurrayphotography) on

6. Swimming holes

7. Beach spas

A photo posted by stu (@estuberto) on

8. Jungle treks

9. Waterfall massages

A photo posted by Tatiana (@tatimarkz) on

10. Epic coastlines

A photo posted by AdventureMus (@coreymus) on

11. Cliff jumps

A photo posted by Tatiana (@tatimarkz) on

12. Stairs to the ocean

A photo posted by AdventureMus (@coreymus) on

13. Chilled life

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