Infographic: These Are the Best Places in the World for Vegetarians

Maps + Infographics Food + Drink
by Ailsa Ross Oct 9, 2015

WORLD VEGETARIAN DAY WAS JUST A FEW DAYS AGO, so to celebrate, GetYourGuide have put together this sweet infographic of the best places in the world to visit if you’re more into shiitake than steak.

I’m pretty surprised by some of the stats. Luxembourg eats more meat per head than the US or Australia? Say it isn’t so.

But mostly, I’m just hungry for all the veggie dishes mentioned: crepes, falafel, spaghetti pesto…

Top vegetarian tips and travel destinations


Association relative à la télévision européenne. Accessible at:
Association Végétarienne de France. Accessible at:
Cox, Peter. 2002. You Don’t Need Meat. New York, NY: Thomas Dunne Books.
European Vegetarian Union. Accessible at:
Gallup Poll. Accessible at:
Google Play. Accessible at:
Happy Cow – The Healthy Eating Guide. Accessible at:
Robbins, John. 1987. Diet for a New America. Tiburon, CA: Stillpoint Publishing
Stuart, Tristram. 2006. The Bloodless Revolution: A Cultural History of Vegetarianism from 1600 to Modern Times. New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company
The Guardian. Accessible at:
UN Food and Agriculture Organization. Accessible at:
Vegetarian Calculator. Accesible at:

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