How to Become a Foreign Correspondent

by Eva Holland Jan 20, 2009

Blogger Scarlett Lion recently offered up some really thoughtful, motivational tips on becoming a correspondent in Africa.

SHE KNOWS A thing or two about it, too: she’s been writing, snapping photos and blogging from Africa since 2006. Beyond her personal blog, Scarlett Lion (whose real name is Glenna Gordon) also blogs for critically acclaimed Canadian mag, The Walrus.

The whole Google document is worth a read — it covers local internships, wire service work, and freelancing, and then adds some more general thoughts.

I’ll quote a couple of those last thoughts here:

I truly believe journalism is a battle of attrition. I’ve been around for a few years, so I’ve got experience, and I’ve gotten better at what I do. I work hard and consistently. I work every day, regardless of whether or not I have an assignment. I read widely, google a lot, look at as many photos as my internet connection will allow, and think about my work and how to get better at it.

Google, and you shall find. Get in the habit of googling everyone and everything and you’ll learn about things you didn’t think you even needed to know.

Filing on time is more important than spending extra time to make something perfect. It can never be perfect, but it can be on time.

Well, what are you waiting for? These tips are applicable well beyond Africa. Read Glenna’s thoughts, and then get going!

Looking for more exciting ways to earn your living on the road? Check out Matador’s archive on some of the world’s best travel and adventure jobs, and how to land them.

Photo by DanieVDM (Creative Commons)

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