Photo: Author

Meet a Matador Editor: Julie Schwietert Collazo

by Lola (Akinmade) Åkerström Nov 24, 2009

Managing Editor, Julie Schwietert Collazo in Tijuana, Mexico; Photos courtesy of Collazo Projects.

Do you know the names behind Matador’s blogs? In this new series, we’ll introduce you to the people who keep the Matador machine humming.

Managing Editor, prolific writer, published author, and new mother Julie does it all. She runs the bi-lingual blog, Collazo Projects which is dedicated to telling previously untold stories from Latin America. She recently contributed a chapter to the book, The Voluntary Traveler, and is currently working on a couple features for Fodor’s Puerto Rico, 6th Edition.


Julie Schwietert Collazo

Role at Matador:

Managing editor of the Matador Network; lead editor on Change and Pulse blogs.

How You Found Matador:

Through a posting on Craigslist in 2007.

How You Got Brought On Board as An Editor:

Like Carlo, I was really engaged in the Matador Travel community, writing blogs, responding to others’ blogs, and becoming a destination expert on Havana.

I was also a regular contributor across the Network, so I suppose my passion for travel and my appreciation of Matador was evident.

What Projects Are You Working on For Matador Right Now?:

In addition to screening all incoming articles and directing them to appropriate section editors and writing articles for Change and Pulse, I’m writing a couple of continuing education courses for our travel writing school, Matador U.

I’m training three new interns.

I’m doing lots of behind-the-scenes work that keeps any organization moving forward. I’m dreaming of translating the U curriculum into Spanish.

That last one may take a while.

Where You Live:

I currently live in NYC and really miss Mexico City, where I lived until recently.

Your Next Trip:

I’m leaving for South Carolina later this week to spend Thanksgiving with my family. My husband and I will be traveling with our two month old daughter– it will be her first plane ride. Wish us (and the other passengers) luck.

What You Do When You’re Not Working on Matador Stuff:

Enjoying being a new mom! Finishing up two Fodor’s guidebook assignments. Working as an academic editor, researcher, and English/Spanish-Spanish/English translator. Building my own blog about the writing process. Finishing my applications for a PhD in Spanish.

Community Connection

Want to read more from Julie? Here are two of my favorites:

Sitting Beneath the Buddha with Barbara Bush

How to Bag Your 9 to 5 Job and Write / Travel Full Time

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