Photo: Kzenon/Shutterstock

10 Differences Between a Normal Friend and a Friend From North Dakota

North Dakota
by Eric Salz Aug 21, 2017

Welcome to North Dakota — where friendship is a true art.


A normal friend will text you to see if you want to hang out…
A North Dakota friend will show up uninvited and see what you, your family, and neighbors are up to.


A normal friend will invite you to dinner and you will converse and then eat…
A North Dakota friend will make you catch it first on Lake Sakakawea, skin it, and then serve you dinner. “Ooofffdddaa”


A normal friend will say they want to meet for drinks at 9 pm, which actually means 10 pm…
A North Dakota friend is there at 8 pm sharp waiting… Probably chugging down a couple Fargo Brewing Companies’ IPA or Rhombus Guys in the process. “Don’t cha know they are the best!”


A normal friend will invite you for a day on the lake…
A North Dakota friend will first need to put a house on the ice, preferably an Ice Castle, and then pick you up in their snowmobile in July.


A normal friend will perform a one-finger wave, and it will be considered rude…
A North Dakota friend will perform a one-finger wave to every car and pedestrian that is going the opposite direction on the road. It is considered extremely friendly and North Dakota Nice.


A normal friend will sit and stare out at rivers…
A North Dakota friend will sit and stare out and be thankful they are not stacking sandbags on top of sandbags for three straight weeks on the good ol’ Red River. It does flow North by the way.


A normal friend will tell someone to wait until they are home to let them into their house…
A North Dakota friend will already have the house unlocked and expect their friend to bring the hot dish for the night!


A normal friend will say it is too cold outside and that is why they need to move…
A North Dakota friend will say it could be warmer, but at least it keeps the ‘Riff-Raff’ out!


A normal friend will introduce their hometown and a movie reference will not be stated…
A North Dakota friend will introduce their hometown and will instantly get asked if they own a wood chipper or asked to say the word “bag”.


A normal friend will invite you to Thanksgiving and they will serve turkey, potatoes, and pumpkin pie…
A North Dakota friend will invite you to Thanksgiving and will serve lefsa, knoephla soup, and lutefisk, but we all know almost everybody will pass on the last one.

There are a million stereotypes about the great state of North Dakota. That is fine for us because it is our little secret, and we all know how great a state it actually is!

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