16 Quirky British Pub Names Illustrated

United Kingdom Maps + Infographics
by Ana Bulnes Jul 10, 2017

A visit to the UK is never complete without a visit to a pub. Pubs are a staple of British culture, places where you can eat, drink, and chat with the other customers or with the waiters. They’re also known for their wacky, funny names! These names tend to be easily visualized (sometimes the pub ‘logo’ already includes some cool drawing of their name), something the guys at holidaycottages.co.uk have taken advantage of this and brought the best pubs’ names to life by creating cool illustrations.

Along with the illustrations, the infographic includes the addresses of the pubs. Just in case you want to dedicate your next trip to Britain to visit them all and get to really understand the British soul (and eat some good food and drink some good beer in the process).

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