Photo: Joshua Resnick/Shutterstock

30 Signs You're a Millennial in California

by Julia Kitlinski-Hong Mar 28, 2017

1. You order the avocado toast at brunch just so you can Instagram it.

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2. You have at least one friend that has made it big with their healthy lifestyle/fitness blog.
And they became famous from YouTube videos.

3. You coordinate your outfit for Coachella or Outside Lands months in advance with your friends.

4. You keep tabs on your favorite food trucks whereabouts like Chairman Bao and Kogi BBQ by following them on Twitter.

5. You know where all the Taco Tuesdays are in your local vicinity.
And that also serves unlimited $2 margaritas.

6. You tell people you live in San Francisco or Los Angeles, when you actually live in an outlying suburb.

7. You have a dog and refer to them as your child.

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8. You use uberPOOL because the less money on transportation, the more money on booze.

9. Summer weekends include bringing twelve of your closest friends camping in Joshua Tree or Yosemite.
With nothing but a cooler full of Pacifico and organic hotdogs.

10. You’ve worked in tech, but are hoping to make it big with your alternative rock band.

11. You have a roommate (or five) to help you afford rent.

12. Your Labor Day plans are usually Tahoe or Palm Springs.

13. You spent your birthday weekend at Disneyland more than once.

14. You have waited an hour at Mr. Holmes Bakehouse hungover.
Cruffins are worth the struggle.

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15. You get your daily dose of veggies through juice form.

16. You attend a weekly yoga class in the park.

17. You visit the farmers’ markets every week and have the Instagram posts to prove it.

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18. You been to Mexico more times than you can count to celebrate someone’s milestone birthday.
The locals in Tulum all know you by name.

19. You go out of your way to capture all the murals in places like SF’s Mission District or Downtown LA on your social media.

20. You always use Yelp to help your find the best pho, sushi or Mexican food in the area.

21. Your regular exercise regime includes a weekly run through Crissy Field or Runyon Canyon just so you can capture it on Insta Stories.

22. At least a few of your friends are proud owners of medical marijuana cards.

23. You started liking raw fish when poke bowls became a trend.
Plus omega-3 is suppose to be good for your skin.

24. You gladly accept an invitation to the beach, any time of the year.

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25. You only eat artisanal ice cream like Salt & Straw or Bi-Rite.

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26. You have shared a cabin with 10 others in Tahoe or Mammoth during the winter.

27. You drink Anchor Steam or Sierra Nevada at house parties.

28. You recycle religiously.

29. You have Philz Coffee’s mint mojito constantly flowing through your body.
Seriously, that stuff is like liquid crack.

30. You’ve cheered on Stanford, CAL or UCLA at someone’s house where you only knew a handful of people.
To be honest you were just in it for the free booze and food.

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