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8 Things You’ll Get Addicted to Living in Maine

by Sarah Bouchard Aug 14, 2018

Maine’s charm lies in its simplicity. Our uncomplicated culture is based on the foundation that lobster tastes best solo (or maybe dunked in melted butter) and wearing a plaid shirt to the office is perfectly acceptable. As a Mainer, you’re not only addicted to the simple pleasures on this list, but you cherish them. Here are eight things you’ll get addicted to living in Maine.

1. Blueberries

Of course, we’re talking about the wild, delicious type. The kind of blueberries that stain your hands and are king of regional pies, crumbles, pancakes, and beer. You’ll quickly become addicted to adding a few fresh berries to your pint of beer, or better yet, you’ll become a regular at the Sea Dog Brewing Co. where they do it for you.

2. Bean boots

You’ll quickly become inseparable with your pair. You’ll wear them everywhere, and they will last a lifetime. These will become your go-to boot for moose hunting, watching a high school soccer playoff game, or building a campfire. Where fashion meets functionality — that’s Maine in a nutshell.

3. Outstanding seafood

Lobsters, steamers, mussels, scallops, fried clams, Brook trout — the list goes on. Whether it’s a renowned side-of-the-road shack or a slightly rusted, mud-flecked truck parked on the side of the road with a hand-lettered sign, Mainers know where to source the best of the best. Getting hooked on world-class grub at affordable prices is very hard to give up.

4. Plaid everything

The plaid wool shirt you’ve adopted will more than likely be a hand-me-down and there will most definitely be mystery stains on the cuffs, but it’s perfect. Plaid protects against thirsty skeeters in the woods and doubles up as an extra layer to keep the chill out of your bones on a bitterly cold February day — what more would you want from clothing?

5. Safety

Maine kids play outside, they build snow forts and treehouses; play neighborhood-wide games of kickball or spotlight; amass sea glass collections and capture entire villages worth of toads without fear for security. We have never lost a house key because the house is never locked and we leave the car open when we go into the grocery store.

6. Whoopie pies

The gas station with the crooked sign that sells ammo and very large camo T-shirts that say ‘Maine’ across the chest is where Mainers go for their whoopie pie fix. The classic is, of course, to die for, but you’ll soon discover chocolate with peanut butter and pumpkin-chocolate chip whoopie with cream cheese filling.

7. Warming up your car before driving in the winter.

When that bitter cold settles in come January and seeps into your bones, nothing is more dreadful than a morning commute with a steering wheel too cold to touch. Not only does starting your car ahead of departure time take the bite out of a cold seat, but it’s an essential component to the de-icing ritual that must occur before hitting the road.

8. Starry night skies

A cold Allagash White in hand and a fire at your feet as you gaze up at the sky above is a quintessential Maine summer night. The nights are so inky black that you can’t distinguish trees or buildings, but you can make out the Milky Way trailing through the sky. You’ll soon become a regular at Rangely or the AWW where you can really soak up the experience.

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