Like many people who live in the great (and unfairly maligned) state of New Jersey, I am a beach person. I spend a few weeks out of the summer on the beach, baking in the sun, and taking the occasional break to stroll down the boardwalk with a soft-serve cone in one hand and a basket of cheese fries in the other.
Very recently, I became a beach person who is also a mother. My daughter is nine months old, still sensitive, fragile, and new to the world. Despite these qualities, which necessitate being cautious about where her father and I take her, I knew that I couldn’t give up my summer weekends on the beach. I just needed to figure out a way for her to hang out on the beach with me safely — protected from the scratchy sand and the sun’s harsh rays. Thankfully, I discovered the best beach tent for babies, which turned out to be absolutely essential.