Photo: volkova natalia/Shutterstock

This Is Possibly the Simplest, Cheapest Hack to Help You Sleep on Planes

Airports + Flying
by Morgane Croissant Dec 11, 2024

If you fly in Economy Class regularly, regardless of the airline, you know that sleeping is a struggle. The lack of legroom, the narrow seats, and the absence of head support is making catching some z’s in flight nearly impossible, no matter how many expert tips you follow, or the number of gadgets you purchase.

Content Creator Grace Park, known as shiretoerebor on Instagram, might have found the cheapest and simplest solution: using a scarf to support your head while you snooze.

Before you scream at your telephone that by using this hack she’s covering the video screen of the person behind her, watch the clip again — but a little more attentively this time. You’ll notice that she is sliding the scarf behind the headrest (the little head cushion with flaps found in most aircrafts), not the seat itself, therefore, she isn’t bothering anyone by trying to find a comfortable way to sleep.

While the hack is ingenious and costs nothing (you probably have a scarf that you can use for this purpose around your house), we can all agree that Park could find something a little more comfortable than the thin, strap-like neckwear she’s seen using in the video above. A wider, softer, and thicker scarf would make the hack a lot cozier.

TikToker Rachel Chatoor has found a way to improve on the hack dramatically by using a soft infinity scarf. This way, here’s no large, awkward knot to content with, and the scarf can double as an eye mask.


Save your head from bobbing about with this travel hack!

♬ original sound – Rachael Chatoor

Before you spend your hard-earned money in a neck pillow, or some other expensive contraptions, give this hack a try. Just make sure that, no matter what type of scarf you opt to use, it isn’t too tight and becomes a choking hazard.

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