Photo: Creativa Images/Shutterstock

These Are the Cheapest and Most Expensive Capital Cities

Maps + Infographics
by Tim Wenger Nov 29, 2018

Taking in the lights of Paris, the fountains of Rome, or the pubs of Dublin are some of the best experiences travelers can have, but they can also be some of the most expensive.

That’s why UK-based travel agency Cuba Holidays conducted a deep dive into how much it costs the average traveler to visit the world’s capital cities. The results are purely based on tourism and meant to give travelers an idea of how much they’re going to shell out should they plan to visit. The study analyzed capitals on the following factors:

  • Hotel rates
  • Cheapest transportation options
  • The average cost of a meal for two
  • Entry fees to the city’s top 10 attractions
  • Price of a pint
  • Cost of a coffee
most expensive and cheapest capital cities

Photo: Cuba Holidays/Shutterstock

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Jakarta, Indonesia, came out ahead of the pack for affordability. With an average cost of about $25 per day, the Southeast Asian city ranked significantly ahead of the second place city, Skopj in Macedonia, which has an average daily cost of about $37. On the opposite side of the spectrum, the United Arab Emirates city of Abu Dhabi is the world’s most expensive capital for travelers, costing nearly $390 per day for basic amenities — certainly not leaving much left over for a night on the town.

H/T: Cuba Holidays

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