Photo: Nina Lishchuk/Shutterstock

Finally, Flight Upgrades for Nice People

Antarctica Bolivia United States News
by C.S. Hunter Mar 17, 2017

A few perks for travelers

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, enjoy a free Uber ride on Jameson’s tab.
If you live in Dallas, Houston, L.A., New York City, or San Francisco, Jameson will contribute 10 bucks to your safe ride home through March 19. Use the codes JAMESONDAL, JAMESONHOU, JAMESONLA, JAMESONNYC, or JAMESONSF, respectively. [Jameson Whiskey]

Monarch Airlines will upgrade you for not being a prick.
If you can remain well-mannered while on the phone with Monarch’s call center staff, you will most likely receive a perk like extra legroom or a priority check-in. This will be a year-long campaign meant to “promote traditional values of chivalry, courtesy and respect.” [Independent]

Learning from our environment

Bolivia is gearing up to ship ice to Antarctica.
Come May, an international team of scientists will harvest ice from Mt. Illimani and send it to the Concordia Research Station in Antarctica. The purpose is to preserve a “climatological memory” as climate change continues to disappear our glaciers worldwide. [Global Citizen]

Climate change may start dwarfing the world’s animals.
Paleontologists have discovered that some of the world’s animals shrunk by 14 percent during a warming event that happened more than 50 million years ago. They believe it’s some kind of evolutionary response to drastically warming temperatures. [Telegraph]

And it may start changing the shapes of our noses.
In the past, scientists have studied human skulls to determine how our environments shape what we look like, but a new study honed in on just our noses. The findings back up a long-held claim that people who live in warm, humid climates tend to have wider nostrils while people living in chillier, dry climates have narrower nostrils. Apparently, the variety of human noses around the world is a result of natural selection, and it may continue to change with our warming climate.[The Guardian]

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