Photo: SzB /Shutterstock

Vape Pens Can Catch Fire. That's Why You Don't Put Them in Your Checked Luggage.

Airports + Flying
by Morgane Croissant Sep 18, 2024

Another day, another instance of vape pens catching fire. This time, the explosion occurred in the cabin of an EasyJet flight from Heraklion, Greece, to London, England, as passengers were still boarding. So now is probably a good time to remind everyone why those incidents happen and how to travel safely with a vape pen or e-cigarette.

Why do vape pens and e-cigarettes catch fire?

Like most of our electronic devices, vape pens and e-cigarettes are powered by lithium batteries which, like the ones in our phones, laptops, tablets, smart watches, power banks, and the such, can overheat and even create sparks if they are “damaged, overheated, exposed to water, overcharged, or improperly packed,” the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) explains. Not only that, but vapes pens also contain a heating element that can be activated by accident and lead to fires, says Transport Canada.

That’s why it’s strictly forbidden to pack vape pens, along with all other lithium batterie-powered devices, in your checked luggage. If a fire were to break out in the the luggage hold while in flight, it would be very hard to notice and therefore nearly impossible to contain. All lithium battery-powered devices, including vape pens and their spare batteries, must be packed in travelers’ personal belongings or carry-on luggage so that the users and the flight crew can have quick access to them in case of malfunction. Ideally, vape pens and e-cigarettes should be within arm’s reach.

According to the FAA, between March 3, 2006, and August 24, 2024, there have been 554 lithium batteries air incidents in the US, 118 of which are linked to vape pens and e-cigarettes. Vapes and e-cigarettes were the leading cause of lithium battery incidents on aircraft in 2022, of which there were 74.

What you can do to stay safe

Besides never packing your vape pen, e-cigarette, and their spare batteries in your checked luggage, it is also imperative that all spare batteries be individually protected by either keeping them in their original packaging or in a bag. You can also use tape on the terminals of the batteries to keep them from short-circuiting.

Because there is a higher risk of fire when vapes and e-cigarettes are charging, it is prohibited to charge them on board a plane.

Like other lithium battery-powered items, if your vape pen or e-cigarette were to fall down in between the seats of an aircraft, do not try to remove it yourself. Ask a crew member, who is trained for such situations, for assistance.

And, of course, like traditional cigarettes, vape pens and e-cigarettes should never be used in an aircraft.

The infographic below, created by the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA), can help you choose a safer vape pen and use it as safely as possible, whether at home or while traveling.

How to use a vape pen or e-cigarette safely

Photo: FDA

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