Photo: UfaBizPhoto/Shutterstock

How Unpacking Your Suitcase at Your Hotel Can Lead to Bed Bugs

Travel Safety
by Morgane Croissant Jul 22, 2024

While many travelers know to check for bed bugs in hotels beds before laying in them, not seeing any on the mattress, boxspring, or headboard does not mean there are not any in the room. Because, despite their name, beds are not the only place where the critters live.

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), bed bugs tend to live within eight feet of where people sleep, including in all sorts of pieces of furniture, especially if they have cracks and crevices, including dressers. Instagram’s Dr.Jayson comfirms it in a recent video.

So if you have the habit of unpacking your belongings into the hotel room furniture instead of keeping it in your suitcase, you should probably stop. You should also refrain from putting your suitcase on top of the hotel bed or on the carpet to make sure it does not get contaminated. Traveling with a hardshell case instead of a softsided one is also a good preventive measure as the bugs are less likely to get into your stuff.

While ingenious solution to fight bed bugs are available, including Spotta, a 24/7 bed bug detection device which top hotels around the world already use, travelers should stay alert and always make sure to check their hotel rooms thoroughly before they settle.

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