Photo: Natural History Museum/Twitter

A London Museum Put a Christmas Sweater on a Dinosaur, and It's Starting a Trend

News Museums
by Morgane Croissant Dec 6, 2021

The holiday spirit has officially taken over every aspect of our lives. If you’re in London, that includes museum visits. The London Natural History Museum has jumped on the festive bandwagon by dressing up one of its dinosaurs in a Christmas sweater.

The animatronic Tyrannosaurus rex, part of the Dinosaur Encounter exhibition at the Natural History Museum, is imposing even at three-quarters the size of a life-size T.rex, but the enormous and sharped-tooth creature looks a lot less scary when it’s sporting a Christmas sweater.

The Christmas sweater was made especially for the T.rex by family-run British company British Christmas Jumper. According to the BBC, it took staff at British Christmas Jumper 100 hours of work to complete the sweater. The effort makes sense when you consider how large the sweater is, except for the sleeves which are tiny, of course.

It’s made from 60 percent recycled cotton and 40 percent recycled polyester, with the latter coming from locally recycled plastic bottles.

Upon seeing the London Natural History Museum’s antics on Twitter, The Manchester Museum decided to dress up its own T.rex in the museum’s Fossil Gallery. Here’s to hoping it starts a trend.

You can get the dinosaur nerds in your life their own dino-motif Christmas sweater in the gift shop of the London Natural History Museum for just $46. All the sales proceeds help support the museum’s mission.

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