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Everything You Need to Know About Quebec’s Vaccination Passport

Québec News
by Morgane Croissant Aug 19, 2021

Canada relaxed its travel restrictions on September 7, 2021, to allow fully vaccinated international travelers to come into the country for tourism purposes, including Americans. Though it’s a sign of progress, the country is still on a mission to increase the vaccination rate and limit the spread of COVID-19.

According to the Government of Canada, as of September 3, more than 76 percent of eligible people in Canada are fully vaccinated, and more than 83 percent have had their first shot. However, more than 5 million eligible people in Canada are still unvaccinated.

To incentivize people to get immunized, Canada will soon require all air, train, and cruise ship passengers to be fully vaccinated before traveling.

Taking another step to avoid a fourth wave of COVID-19 cases and a possible lockdown, and following the lead of several European countries and New York City, the Canadian province of Quebec has implemented a Vaccination Passport.

Introduced on September 1, 2021, Quebec’s Vaccination Passport is now needed to access non-essential services such as gyms, bars, restaurants, festivals, event venues like concert halls and sports stadiums, museums, etc. For a full list of places and activities requiring Quebec’s COVID-19 Vaccination Passport, visit the Government of Quebec’s website.

Quebec’s Vaccination Passport is a scannable QR code. The QR code contains your protection status as proof of vaccination against COVID-19 and does not show any personal or medical information to those who scan it. The Vaccination Passport can be displayed via the VaxiCode app, as a PDF on your mobile device, or on paper.

A version of this article was previously published on August 19, 2021, and was updated on September 8, 2021, with more information.

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