Photo: Damian Lugowski/Shutterstock

New Tech Will Allow You to Check a Bag in 30 Seconds at NYC’s JFK Airport

New York City Airports + Flying
by Morgane Croissant Aug 2, 2024

Part of the huge and ongoing $19 billion renovation, expansion, and modernization of New York City’s John F. Kennedy International Airport is to include state-of-the-art technology to make air travelers’ life easier. With that in mind, JFK’s Terminal 7 will have a luggage-disinfecting system that uses UV-C light, and Terminal 6 will feature self-service bag drop machines so you can check in your bag on your own in just seconds.

The self-service bag drop system is the brainchild of Materna IPS (Intelligent Passenger Solutions), a company that provides solutions for passenger handlings for airports and airlines, including check-in machines, automated passport scanning machines, biometric verification machines, and more.

The self-service bag drop machine, also known as SSBD machine, will replace the traditional check-in counter and will allow air travelers to get their ID verified and drop their luggage on the belt in less than one minute. Once the machine has scanned the luggage tag, it takes the bag away.

The SSBD machine requires that baggage bears the luggage tag provided by the airline. That means that passengers will still need to use their airline’s self-service check-in machines to obtain a tag before dropping off their bag.

While some of the SSBD machine will operate on their own, others will be staffed to help those who wish assistance or want a more traditional check-in experience.

The self-service bag drop machines should allow for a less congested terminal, shorter lines, and time saved for travelers. Whether than means passengers will be able to come later to the airport remains to be seen.

SSBD systems are already in place in multiple airports around the world, including in Munich, Stockholm, Toronto, as well as in five airports in the US, including Orlando and Chicago.

The SSDB system will be implemented in 2026 when the new Terminal 6 finally opens to passengers.

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