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South Africa Is Reopening Its Borders to All International Travelers

South Africa News
by Eben Diskin Nov 13, 2020

After reopening its borders to residents of select countries on October 1, South Africa has now announced a further lifting of its restriction by reopening its borders to tourists of all countries.

South Africa will be opening its borders to all international travelers who can show proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken 72 hours prior to departure. The October 1 announcement excluded residents of the US, UK, and France from entering, but that’s no longer true under the new plan.

In a Twitter address on November 11, President Cyril Ramaphosa said, “We are also opening up international travel to all countries subject to the necessary health protocols and the presentation of a negative COVID-19 certificate. By using rapid tests and strict monitoring we intend to limit the spread of the infection through importation.”

Although no precise date has been given, the reopening is thought to be happening very soon as the country needs an economic boost from the tourism industry, which has been mostly on hold since March 2020.

A version of this article was previously published on June 1, 2020, and was updated on November 13, 2020, with more information.

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