15 Photographers Show Us the Diverse Beauty of Russia

Russia Travel
by Carlo Alcos Mar 24, 2015

I’ve seen firsthand how diverse and beautiful Russia is. I traveled across the country on the Trans-Siberian rail in 2007, making several stops and exploring cities, villages, the countryside.

I count myself lucky to have experienced that.

These images from 500px photographers will shatter many people’s stereotypical dreary vision of this vast country.

1. Altai mountains

2. Kenpzerje National Park

3. Murmansk, Lake Lovozero

4. Kizhi Island, Karelia

5. St. Petersburg

6. Khibiny Mountains

7. Bokino

8. Kolomna

9. Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka

10. Lake Baikal, Siberia

11. Wild horses in the Altai Mountains

12. Metro station in Moscow

13. Mt. Elbrus

14. Moscow at night

15. Pskov

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