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America's Best Burgers

by Sarah Park Sep 14, 2009
No more pool parties, backyard barbecues, or camping trips left to look forward to? Don’t panic just yet.

FOR THOSE OF US IN the Northern Hemisphere, summer is fading fast.

There may not be much time left to drag out the grill, but you still have all year to enjoy the mouth-watering summertime favorites listed in the Top-Rated Burgers in America.

Epicurious went straight to the foodies for this rundown, assembling opinions from several of the nation’s most respected taste buds. The results showcase a varied collection of hamburgers from all across the United States — their fixings ranging from the supremely decadent to the good ole’ tried and true.

While choosing a favorite burger is a hotly debated, extremely personal decision, let’s not forget the democratizing effect of a truly delectable meal.

Whether you prefer haute cuisine or the corner snack shack, there’s something undeniably alluring about picking up a juicy burger and taking a greedy bite.

So wipe the drool off your chin and feast your eyes on the carnivore-friendly slideshow at, which includes these 11 destinations for your inner burger addict:

New York: DuMont Burger
Washington, D.C.: Palena Café
Seattle: Lunchbox Laboratory
San Francisco: Zuni Café
Los Angeles: Pie ‘n Burger
Philadelphia: Rouge
Atlanta: Holeman & Finch
Boston: Radius
Chicago: Rosebud Steakhouse
New Orleans: Port of Call
Santa Fe: Bobcat Bite

Did your favorite not make the list? Weigh in with your own highly subjective, extremely biased selection in the comments below.

And try not to get too much grease on the keyboard.

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