Meet an Expert: Berlin

by Carlo Alcos Jul 27, 2009


Photo: EElisam

Making a trip to one of Europe’s most artistic, cultured, and storied cities? Drop our Berlin expert a line before you head out the door.

Berlin is big. Really big. And it’s kind of all over the map, so to speak. So it’s certainly not a knock to the pride to look for some advice when visiting.

The sprawling city is well serviced by public transportation, and each time you exit your station it’s almost like you’re in another city. With all that diversity and more history and sights than you can shake a stick at, Matador destination expert for Berlin, EElisam, can point you in the right directions.

She lists Costa Rica, Canada, Jamaica, and Turkey as some of her favourite countries she’s visited, and looks forward to the day when she travels to Japan, Finland, Mongolia, and Hawaii (among others).

More on EElisam:

About me: Crazy, life loving, chilled out and definitely always curious about seeing new spots in this world! Love to meet new people, exchange travel experiences and plan future trips. Ready to take more pictures, learn new languages and experience interesting things every day.


I’m fired up on: meeting up with friends all over the world… drinking Vodka in Russia… eating the best food in Italy… dancing non stop in London… having unforgettable parties in San Francisco… ;-)

…learing Spanish in Costa Rica… Shopping in New York… Chilling in Tel Aviv… getting fired up on EVERYTHING that is happening by travelling!!!

Quote: The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. ~St. Augustine

I want to make a difference by: By creating a large community of creative, well traveled, ambitious, and passionate people who love to live and live to love.

To get in touch with EElisam, visit her Matador profile and send her a private message.


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As Michaela Lola reports, you don’t need a case full of Euros to enjoy Berlin. Berlin on the Cheap will show you how to have a blast without breaking the bank.

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