19 Experiences Every WWOOFer Has

by Candice Walsh Apr 25, 2014
1. When you first get to the farm and you’re overwhelmed by how beautiful and nature-y everything is, and you immediately think you can spend the rest of your life picking olives and milking goats even though you haven’t started yet.

wwoofer patrick

2. When you first meet the other WWOOFers you’re working with

wwoofer will ferrell

3. When you start your first day on the job

wwoofer omg

4. When you finish your first day on the job and emerge from the experience exhausted and covered in scratches, animal dung, and a thick layer of sweat

wwoofer tired

5. After day five of weeding

wwoofer day five weeding

6. When you uncover the first gigantic insect in your bed

wwoofer insect in bed

7. When it’s finally Saturday night and you have Sunday off

wwoofer saturday night

8. What actually ends up happening

wwoofer asleep at pub

9. When you think you’re getting into excellent shape at long last

wwoofer getting in shape

10. What really happens after a long day of work

wwoofer eating

11. When you really, really, really just want a beer and the nearest town is 50 minutes away on foot

wwoofer dying for beer

12. When you finally get that drink

wwoofer drinking finally

13. When you have a breakthrough moment with your WWOOF hosts

wwoofer connect with hosts

14. And then you realize the hand gestures you’ve been using are actually horribly offensive in their culture

wwoofer facepalm

15. When your WWOOF hosts have people over for dinner and you’re invited, but you don’t understand a word of the language

wwoofer don't understand

16. When it’s time to leave and suddenly every insect is tolerable, and you’re sure you’ll never experience such peace and oneness with nature ever again in your lifetime

wwoofer time to leave

17. When you first lay eyes on civilization again

wwoofer alcohol

18. Three weeks later, when your body still hasn’t properly adjusted to the real world

wwoofer sleep

19. Four weeks later, when you’re already sick of civilization and the real world again


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