Jaimee Ratliff is a communications professional, writer, traveler and passionate advocate for living a life you love. When she is not dreaming up plans for her next international adventure, she can be found in Houston, Texas writing up a storm over at her travel and inspirational blog, http://www.thiswaynorth.net/This Way North. Her writing has appeared in Brazen Careerist (a Forbes top 100 career website), Black Enterprise, Chicago Tribune, Business Insider and Ragan Communications. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English from the illustrious Spelman College and is the author of Party of One: An Inspirational Guide to Letting Go of Fear and Loving Solo Travel. To keep up with Jaimee's adventures, follow her here: Instagram.com/JaimeeRatliff Facebook.com/JaimeeRatliff Twitter.com/Jaimee_Ratliff