Are Most Spiritual Gurus Just Money Grubbers?

by Christine DeSadeleer Jul 22, 2009
Author Lena Katz identifies the most self-involved and shallow people she interviewed for her new travel series: the Yoga Gurus.

Photo: Goldemberg Fonseca

After reading an excerpt of an interview with author and blogger Lena Katz, I’m now extremely pumped to read her forthcoming books, Sip California, Snow California, and Sun California.

I’m mostly pumped because of something she noted about finding people to interview for her books.

It certainly made me chuckle (and feel exasperated) in my little corner enclave at the Whole Foods (yes, I see the irony):

I…discovered that of all the self-involved, money-grubbing, shallow people in the city, the worst by far are… the Yoga Gurus. If you see “spiritual,” “mind-body” or “conscious healing” in a biography, you’re almost guaranteed that person will not give you 30 seconds of their time without being paid for it.

Visions of The Secret danced in my head.

Thing is, I got my Masters in Holistic Health Education. So I’ve studied the hell out of many prominent MDs-turned-holistic-heath-healers, Consciousness-raisers, and Raw-Food-Lovers (who all add the signature “love” to their ingredients list), and subscribe wholeheartedly to the system.

But between yoga trademarking, the rumors of one very well-known Ayurvedic MD focused intently on money and status, and raw foods that cost $10 for a piece of chocolate love, I get a bit weary of it all.

It leaves a bad taste in my mouth when I hear that a well-known alternative practitioner is focused on making as many bucks as possible.

I like to think of both traveling and delving into holistic approaches to life as ways to expand a person’s perceptions. I see nothing wrong with making money from either; in fact, I think it is an excellent way to incorporate what you do with who you are.

Yet it certainly leaves a bad taste in my mouth when I hear that pretty much any well-known alternative practitioner is focused on making as many bucks as possible, all while spouting that money doesn’t bring you happiness (sans The Secret, of course).

It reminds me of the religious leaders of old (and sometimes new), and it certainly diminishes the quality of the perceived consciousness shift we are going through.

Do you think most spiritual leaders are simply focused on the money? Share your thoughts below.

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