Photo: RecycleMan/Shutterstock

Turning Garbage Into Light, Changing Thousands of Lives

Philippines Sustainability
by Joshywashington Sep 13, 2011

A Liter of Light promotes a sustainable light source from water bottles, lighting the way for millions in the developing world.

‘Necessity is the mother of invention.’

THOUSANDS OF SOLAR BULBS have been made from plastic soda bottles by Demetrio Bukas. The materials are cheap, plentiful, and can last for years. Such ingenuity will light the way forward for developing world countries such as the Philippines where millions live without electricity.

The Isang Litrong Liwanag ( A Liter of Light ) project aims to spread the sunshine love to thousands of dark homes in the coming years. To support Isang Litrong Liwanag’s cause visit the website to donate and learn more.

How often are the answers to the problems that confront us readily at hand, if we only shift the way we look at our environment.

I wonder what commercial applications this light diffusing water technology might have? Why can’t we have whole buildings lit with water-light? Why aren’t homes being built with variations on this theme?

Consider too that the sunlight’s UV rays naturally purify water and we are looking at a double-whammie of sustainable, non electric light and a means of creating potable drinking water.

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