Photo: Dzelat/Shutterstock

10 Commandments for Living in California

by Jessica Golich Oct 13, 2016

1. Thou shalt understand that cost of living is high.

And it is for a reason. Rent is steadily rising and the population is growing significantly higher every single day. More people equates to more demand. You better have a chunk of change ready to drop or your California dreams will indeed flop.

2. Thou shalt love the outdoors.

House parties, pools, beaches and brunches. Everything happens outdoors. Along with being a nature lover’s dream, we have the greatest year-round weather in the country, and we have a ton of fun soaking up the sun.

3. Thou shalt not complain about traffic.

It is what it is. Teach yourself how to maximize your time in traffic. You either suck it up or jump back on a pity train to the East Coast and freeze to death.

4. Thou shalt love avocados.

Between billboards galore and dank-ass burritos with practically an entire avocado smashed inside, you’re in for a tasty ride. California takes great pride for the delicious product and you may have avocados on top of your pancakes at breakfast; expand your mind.

5. Thou shalt drink local craft beers.

Fruit notes with virtually no bitterness? Yup, we’ve got that. Or if you like it hoppy and full-bodied, you’re in for one hell of a craft beer party. Assuming the drought doesn’t continue to play a role with distributors, California is a craft beer lover’s kingdom.

6. Thou shalt take good care of themselves.

You’ll be rockin’ that bikini with a martini in hand as if you’re representing the alcohol’s brand. More so, do it for yourself. Californian’s have access to a plethora of opportunities to sweat it out; treat yourself like gold.

7. Thou shalt love Mexican food.

Okay, I take that back. You better splurge every once in awhile. No places other than Mexico match the extensiveness of options that we have. The robust Mexican culinary scene from fine-dining restaurants to delicious $2 tacos on streets corners are worth the dent in your waistline.

8. Thou shalt hold their own.

Everyone’s got sass, get over it. California human beings tend to carry unabashed, brassy and downright shameless attitudes that are brought to life with full force. Don’t take it personal.

9. Thou shalt embrace diversity.

California is a smorgasbord of beautiful, sexy, driven, multi-cultural human beings and downright fascinating individuals. You may meet some of the most hardworking, ambitious and loving individuals out there, or you may meet those who could care less if they live past the evening; keep your judgements to yourself.

10. Thou shalt not take living in California for granted.

You did it. You are living in the state that people bend over backwards at their awful 9-5 jobs to simply visit for one week per year. The lush Mediterranean climate, the cool breeze, the beach babes and more; all are eternally in store. As new experiences rack up, don’t take for granted the fact that you’re living in The Golden State.

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