Would you call me crazy if I told you you can smooth your skin, clear your pores and soften your hair with only a few simple ingredients probably already found in your kitchen? Yogurt, honey, oatmeal and almonds. Yeah, you probably would. “That’s not beauty,” you might tell me. “That’s breakfast.”
You wouldn’t be the first.
Think of it this way: would you eat that honey almond mask you find at the pharmacy? What about the cucumber sugar scrub you just bought for thirty dollars or more at your local Body Products Galore Store? Then why would you put in on your skin?
And I’ve personally used each of these numerous times and have always been happier with the results than with any product I’ve bought.
Still not convinced? OK. To prove how beneficial these home-made products can be, I enlisted the help of the Matador Life team in testing out my favorite beauty concoctions.