Matador Wassup Video Contest

by David Miller Jan 21, 2009

We want your clips from around the world; land or sea, underwater or upper atmosphere… anywhere, just give a big “wassup” shout out to the rest of the world.

You don’t have to be traveling, just shout out from wherever you are.

Let us know in the clip, and if it’s some place special, maybe mention that as well. Or just hit us with “Wassup Matador!” Here’s an example.

We will collect and remix the footage into an official Matador collab, and so a snippet of your work will be featured across the Matador Network and on Youtube.


Prizes will go to the following:

  • Wassup from farthest away (from our HQ in San Francisco)
  • Wassup from place farthest away from electricity (if you’re up in the mountains, or deep in the jungle, etc.)
  • Best Background Music (if you’re shouting out from a party, club, or event)
  • Most Beautiful scene
  • Most creative Wassup
  • Best Dancing / Partying (if there’s a party happening)

Please remember to at least say “wassup,” “Matador,” as well your name, and where you are.


1. Sign up on Youtube and upload your Wassup video clip. Should be no longer than 30 seconds, but you can submit multiple clips if you want.

2. Join the Matador group on Youtube by clicking the “Join This Group” link in the top right

3. Add your Wassup video clip to our Matador Group by clicking the “Add Video” link

Upload as many clips as you want and get out there and start rolling!

Contest will end Feb. 20, with prizes and winners announced and our video played across the Network

Any questions? Contact us here info [at]

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