Matador on Google's Latest Mobile App: Field Trip

Technology + Gear
by Hal Amen Sep 28, 2012
Matador is stoked to announce our participation in the newest Google app.

BIG NEWS, TRIBE. Google’s Field Trip app, released yesterday, will be pulling content from Matador, along with other preferred publishers, to deliver local details about wherever you are, in real time.

Matador on Google’s “Field Trip” App

How it works

Say you’re in Austin, TX. With the app installed on your phone / tablet, you’ll receive notifications as you move around the city, alerting you to what’s nearby and giving information about it: The name of that new restaurant on Manor Rd and what’s on the menu; the history behind the Buford Fire Tower at 1st and Colorado; tips for renting a kayak on Town Lake.

The experience is fully customizable. You can choose how often you receive notifications, and thumb them up or down to filter the categories you’re interested in: architecture; historic places & events; lifestyle (Matador features prominently here); offers & deals; food, drinks & fun; cool & unique; outdoor art. And you can select / de-select the publications whose content is delivered to you.

For more info, check out the New York Times review.

Note: Field Trip is live in the Android Play Store. They’re working on the iPhone version.

Celebrate “Field Trip Day” with Google on Saturday, Sept. 29

Tomorrow, Google is throwing a launch event in 6 U.S. cities: Boston, NYC, Chicago, Minneapolis, LA, and SF. These will be structured as local “explorations” of the urban landscape using the power of the Field Trip app.

Help Matador represent at Field Trip Day. If you live in one of these cities and attend the event, we’d love to hear about it in the comments of this post.

Find Matador all over mobile

Matador’s dev team is constantly working to introduce more ways for readers to access our award-winning content. In addition to Field Trip, we’re also featured in Currents, Google’s free publication reader.

And for phones and tablets, we have a super sleek and simplified mobile version of the Matador site. (Note: You can toggle between the web and mobile versions by clicking on the link at the bottom of any Matador Network page.)

Check us out.

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