Photo: Kate Aedon/Shutterstock

Social Media Intern Needed at Confronting Love

by Carlo Alcos Aug 2, 2011
We’re looking for someone who shares our vision and wants to be a part of the movement.

AROUND EIGHT MONTHS ago, former Brave New Traveler editor, Christine Garvin, and I started a blog called Confronting Love. In a relatively short amount of time we’ve managed to attract a solid following. We each had our own reasons for starting the site, but the grand, overall theme of promoting diversity in relationships and questioning the essence of the overused word “love” has emerged.

We have a vision. We don’t want this just to be a blog. The content we publish and write is very much in line with life values that we hold very closely to our hearts. We feel that our current concept of love and relationships is ready to evolve; the paradigms that we take for granted are in need of shifting.

Some examples of what we publish:

We have some exciting projects in mind for the near and not-so-near future. Because of this, we need to focus on the site’s content and getting these projects off the ground. This is why we would like to bring someone else on board.

I don’t like the word intern for this role. What we’re really looking for is someone to join us; to be a part of the team. Someone who shares our values and vision and will help us keep the momentum going. The duties required (which are sure to shift over time) would be:

  • Manage the Twitter and Facebook accounts on a daily basis
  • Read related blogs and post comments
  • Make connections with other blogs doing similar things as us
  • Reach out to organizations in the “industry” to create relationships

We’d be looking for you to be available around 2-5 hours per week and would have to be online pretty much everyday between Monday and Friday. Also, while you don’t need to be a social media ninja, we would like you to be familiar with sites like Twitter and Facebook (preferably have some sort of following).

We are not making any money off this site (yet) so unfortunately we cannot offer payment in the form of actual money. What we can offer is our experience and skills from the years blogging and working with Matador and other websites. If and when cash does start to roll in, you will definitely be in for a cut of it.

If this interests you, please email carlo [at] confrontinglove [dot] com and/or christine [at] confrontinglove [dot] com. We look forward to hearing from you!

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