Top 10 Ways to Use Matador

by Julie Schwietert Apr 29, 2008
Featured Traveler Sissyfish in Playa Colorado.

From starting your own travel blog to researching your travels, getting paid writing assignments, and more, here are our top 10 favorite ways to use Matador every day.

Warning: this can get addictive.

From starting your own travel blog to researching your travels to getting paid writing assignments, here are our top 10 favorite ways to use Matador every day.

1. Research your travels with local experts.

The Matador community contains hundreds of local experts from all over the globe. Reach out to them for free, specific advice.

2. Find paid writing assignments and become a travel writer.

The bounty board offers dozens of article ideas that Matador editors are actively seeking.

3. Explore volunteer opportunities.

Connect with grassroots organizations through volunteering. Also, the new Volunteer blog has profiles and stories on volunteer programs around the world.

4. Dive into the world’s first interactive travel magazine.

Matador is one of the most vibrant online travel magazines in the world. Get inspiration and valuable info on everything from nightlife to volunteering, adventure travel to cultural immersion.

5. Find information and discuss issues in the Forums.

In the forums you can ask and answer travel-related questions and discuss what’s on your mind.

6. Reach out to people.

Make friends and connections at Matador. Our community has thousands of people doing remarkable things, spread across more than 85 countries around the world.

7. Learn something new.

The Travelers Notebook is like an instruction manual on finding jobs abroad and improving your travel writing / photograph / podcasts and videos. It also serves as a resource with numerous green guides, especially in areas that aren’t traditionally thought of as having green travel.

8. Get fired up on school.

Be a student. The Study blog provides tips for short- or long-term immersion, as well as opportunities for ESL teachers.

9. Check your Pulse.

Every day we scope the web and the Matador community to bring you the most interesting travel and place-based stories in to-go sized bites.

10. Read the best travel writing online.

From Brave New Traveler to Traverse, Matador’s writers bring you dynamic stories, profiles, essays, and new-school mixed media pieces on people, place, travel, life.

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