An example "Dream Portraits" sculpture from Hotel de la Ville. Photo: Hotel de la Ville

This Luxury Italian Hotel Will Literally 3D Print Your Dreams

Rome News Epic Stays
by Matador Creators Oct 15, 2024

Hotel de La Ville, a luxury hotel in Rome, Italy, just announced a new offering that seems straight out of a sci-fi movie.

For 15,0000 euro, or about $16,300, visitors to the boutique resort, housed in a former 18th-century palace, can make “the dreamlike state tangible by translating the chemical activity of the brain into shapes and sounds.” (It’s also available at the luxury apartments at the Rocco Forte House next door, owned by the same company).

The “Dream Portraits” offering is a partnership between Rocco Forte Hotels and Matteo Nasini, an Italian artist known for his exhibitions that blend sound and sculpture. While sleeping, guests will wear a electroencephalography, or EEG headset, to measure electrical signals generated by the brain. While the EEG can’t record dreams, it does record when you’re dreaming, detected by measuring changes in the size, frequency, and type of brain waves generated. Using the patterns and waves generated, the artist will create a 3D printed porcelain sculpture, based on your individual patterns. While it’s not clear exactly how the artist will translate the EEG results into a form of art, it does seem likely that guests can expect interpretive, abstract art pieces. “The sculpture will become a memory in physical form, capturing each guest’s state of mind during their stay in Rome,” writes the release.

Hotel de la Ville will make 3D printed dream statues for guests

Rooms at the high-end Hotel de la Ville. Photo: Hotel de la Ville

Though the experience is pricey, that’s in-line with the artists work, which normally sells for a pretty penny.  Paintings from the artist range from 5,000 euro to 35,000 euro or more, while most sculptures are listed only as “price on request.” Both of the Rocco Forte Hotels properties are also on a five-star budget; rooms at Hotel de La Ville start around $1,100 per night, while apartments at the nearby Rocco Forte House start closer to $1,500 per night.

The promotion reflects a growing trend of high-end hotels appealing to art-loving travelers by incorporating museum-quality collections, curated exhibitions, and immersive art experiences into their offerings. Many of those experiences offer guests the chance to have unique encounters with art, from the Rammefjord Hotel that celebrates the art of former resident Edvard Munch to London’s Beaumont Hotel, where guests can stay in a three-story piece of sculptural art. By integrating art into their identities, the hotels are able to reach travelers who prioritize art and cultural enrichment as part of their luxury travel experiences — and don’t mind spending a significant amount of change to do it.

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