When it comes to luggage, you have a lot of choices. And if we’re being honest, mishandling luggage is all too common. So whether you’re a frequent flyer or a first time traveler, it’s important to know if you’ve picked out the best luggage. TikToker Megan Homme, a travel influencer, posted a video explaining her five most important tips for choosing the perfect suitcase for airline travel.
5 Tips for Buying the Best Luggage for Air Travel, According to an Airline Employee
Tip number one: choose hard-sided or waterproof luggage over soft luggage. Not all plane rides are breeze. Whether your bag is stored as a carry-on or underneath the plane, sometimes liquids spill. And the last thing you want is a huge stain that you’re going to have to clean up.
Tip number two: choose luggage with dark colors. The truth is, as much as we want to believe that our luggage is an airline’s utmost priority, your bag is probably not being carefully placed inside the plane and back out when it arrives at baggage claim. Bags get scuffed up very easily, and a darker colored suitcase is more likely to hide those imperfections.
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Tip number three: get a bag with four wheels vs two. Four wheeled bags are easier to maneuver throughout the airport, and most four-wheeled bags now come with infinity wheels that’ll turn in any direction you want, making it easier to squeeze through tight spaces like airport aisles.
Tip number four: pick out a bag that has an expandable zipper. If you want to overstuff your bag, especially if you refuse to pay for checked luggage fees (though you might want to change your mind on that), an expandable bag gives you full ability to do so. However, Homme said she thinks expandable luggage gives you more liberty to have room to bring souvenirs and other treasures from your trip home.
And finally, tip number five: the most expensive luggage doesn’t have to be the best luggage. So you don’t have to break the bank going designer to find a sturdy great fit.
So the next time you’re in the mood to buy a new suitcase, keep these tips in mind!