50 New Year Traditions From Around the World

Maps + Infographics
by Ana Bulnes Dec 27, 2017

We’re about to say goodbye to 2017 and welcome 2018. Do you have your New Year resolutions ready? Did you manage to keep any of those promises you made to yourself a year ago? Did you go to the gym, quit smoking, and travel a bit more? If you didn’t, don’t worry. 2018 will be different, right?

But how can you make sure this will be your year? Here’s an idea — do something different to celebrate those last and first days of the year. You can find inspiration on this infographic by PackSend with 50 New Year traditions from around the world. Will you eat 12 grapes? Hang an onion on the front door of your house? Throw white flowers into the ocean? Try talking to a cow? If you start the year doing some of these things, 2018 will definitely rock.

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