Photo: Katarina Hoglova/Shutterstock

7 Ways You Can Use Travel to Recharge Your Batteries

Wellness Lifestyle
by Stephanie Gupana Jun 12, 2018

While there is always something to be grateful for, life can sometimes be a mixture of hectic, demanding and down right rough. If you can feel yourself approaching complete depletion, it may be time for a well needed escape to collect and regroup. Or maybe you’re experiencing a period of change or just need for a change of scenery. If so here are seven travel experiences that will help you recharge your batteries — no exhausting, jam-packed itineraries included.

1. Canyon Ranch, various locations in the US

Our society tends to glorify the word “busy” and that can inevitably mean burning the candle at both ends. If rest is what you seek, Canyon Ranch may just be the #treatyoself vacation you need to reset those adrenals.

A globally recognized leader in luxury spa and healthy living holiday’s, Canyon ranch has many award-winning wellness programs such as an all-night sleep study, healthy lifestyle consultation and digital detox.

They have locations in Tucson, Arizona; Lenox, Massachusetts; Las Vegas, Nevada; and even at sea aboard several cruise ship lines, like Celebrity and Oceania.

2. Sha Wellness Clinic, Alicante, Spain

While mental health topics are finally being spoken of more publically, there is still a ways to go. Anxiety affects 40 million adults in the US and yet only 36.9% of those people receive treatment. If this statement resonates with you, perhaps a healing holiday may be a good place to begin.

The Anti-Stress Programme at the Sha Wellness Clinic in Alicante, Spain looks closely at imbalances, health issues and biological contributors that may trigger stress and anxiety.

The program begins with a general medical examination to evaluate your current health profile.

During the week, consultations with a nutritionist and natural therapy professionals will focus on mental, spiritual and physical exercises appropriate for your personal needs.

3. The Sanctuary, Ko Phangan, Thailand

We’ve all fallen off the health wagon, maybe more than we’d like to openly admit. If you are in a place where you hardly recognize yourself (inside and out) and are desperately looking to get back on track, a holiday focused on resetting your health habits may be just what you need. The Detox Programs at The Sanctuary in Ko Phangan offers a variety of detox programs ranging from a quick 1-day detox to a 10.5 day complete cleanse.

Programs include an interview and consultation to assess your current health and comprehensive detoxification and nutrition information. The beachfront resort offers daily yoga and a variety of spa treatments to indulge in during your stay.

4. Anamaya Resort, Montezuma, Costa Rica

Maybe your body is beginning to ache from lack of movement or you need a fitness makeover to jumpstart some new health goals. At Anamaya Resort in Montezuma, Costa Rica you can sign up for a number of retreats focused around yoga, surfing and exploring the beautiful Costa Rican jungle.

Days usually begin and end with yoga and the rest can be filled with activities such as surf lessons, waterfall hikes and ziplining.

And if you want to get SCUBA Certified, Anamaya offers this as well and those signed up for this specific retreat can obtain a CMS 1-Star SCUBA certification.

5. Renew Breakup Bootcamp, upstate New York

Renew Breakup Bootcamp retreats are focused on helping people gain their personal power back from a breakup.

Photo: Renew

During this retreat, you will digitally unplug to be fully immersed in a multi-day program filled with sessions with coaches, healers and meditation teachers. PhD psychologists are on staff to lead small, intimate sessions with the group about detaching and letting go of the past and events that no longer serve you.

Photo: Renew

For those seeking more individualized attention, one-on-one sessions with a relationship coach or an energy healer are available.

6. InterExchange, worldwide

While there are many options for taking some time off, InterExchange offers opportunities to work in another country for up to a year, enabling you to earn money to offset your travel costs and while allowing you to immerse yourself in the culture during your stay.

Job placement or an in-country job search support is provided by the InterExchange program. Outside of the US, work-travel programs are available in Australia, Canada, Ireland and New Zealand.

7. Digital Detox Retreat, various locations around the US

Posting your adventures to Instagram is great but it’s more important to be present and not get lost in the rabbit hole of social media or emails. Studies have shown the average individual spends up to 4 hours a day on their phone. If you are feeling overwhelmed by the constant need to look on a screen a Digital Detox Retreat may be just what the doctor ordered. This one of a kind tech-free personal wellness retreat gives attendees an off-the-grid experience filled with community, creativity, and mindfulness in exchange for giving up their electronics. Though you’ll have to give up looking at dog memes for your brief stay the alternative time passing activities aren’t too bad. You will get to experience daily yoga, guided meditation and breathwork, digital detox best practice discussions, hikes, writing & art workshops, mindfulness practice and some good old peace and quiet.

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