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Restaurants Selling Blow-Up Breakfasts for the Tappan Zee Bridge Demolition

by Nickolaus Hines Jan 10, 2019

The Tappan Zee Bridge, which crosses the Hudson River about 25 miles north of New York City, is set to be demolished on the morning of Saturday, January 12. A series of explosives timed and placed for a graceful demolition will blow around 9:00 AM, dropping huge pieces of steel into nets strung above the river. And thanks to nearby restaurants, you can watch it all go down with a drink in hand and breakfast on the way.

Restaurants with views of the bridge are offering food and drink deals during demo day. And why not? People love to see the mighty fall. The Tappan Zee Bridge was built in the 1950s but was recently replaced by the Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge, which runs closeby. The only thing standing in the way of the new bridge is all the remaining parts of the old bridge. But not for much longer.

According to a local news source LoHud, traffic will be stopped on the Gov. Mario M Cuomo Bridge at around 9:15 AM. At 9:30 AM, the explosives will go off and last “about a half-minute.” Traffic is expected to pile up in nearby Piermont as people watch, but go ahead and skip the crowd for some explosive breakfast.

Where to watch Tappan Zee Bridge demolition explosion

Pier 701 in Piermont: In a Facebook event, Pier 701 writes, “Join us 1/12/19 and witness history as they will be using explosives to demolish the Tappan Zee Bridge! We will be serving an all you can eat Breakfast Buffet from 8-11am for $22.95 per person!”

TWK Community Market in Piermont: Offering a special picnic basket with a choice of four sandwiches and also live streaming the event to watch while enjoying the restaurant’s breakfast menu.

Half Moon in Dobbs Ferry: Offering a “Big Bang Brunch” to “witness the demolition of what remains of the iconic Tappan Zee bridge.”

Sambal Thai & Malay in Irvington: In an event that quickly sold out, Sambal is offering a Dim-Struction Party with patio views of the demolition and mimosas from the bar.

Rivertown Taphouse in Piermont: Breakfast buffet from 8:00 to 9:30 AM that costs $20 without alcohol and $25 for Bloody Marys and mimosas. Also offered are special drinks to toast with, like the Jameson Breakfast shot complete with bacon and the French Toast Martini.

Bunbury’s Coffee Shop in Piermont: Selling a cookie called the Tappan Zee Bridge biscotti.

Hudson Farmer & The Fish in Sleepy Hollow: Beignets and coffee as well as the opening of the restaurant’s fireboat for viewing pleasure.

Red Bar Bakery in Irvington: Breakfast includes a Tappan Zee organic chocolate croissant and a Tappan Zee on eggs baguette with cheddar.

H/T: Gothamist

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