The Sisters Sold It/Youtube

You Can Stay in Buffalo Bill’s House From ‘Silence of the Lambs’

Pennsylvania News Movies Epic Stays
by Eben Diskin Feb 17, 2021

Halloween isn’t for many months, but you can still get a dose of horror on your next vacation by staying in Buffalo Bill’s house from Silence of the Lambs. The Pennsylvania home, used in the filming of the classic film, was sold this month for nearly $300,000 and is now owned by Art Director and Prop Stylist Christ Rowan, who purchased the house to host fans of the movies and give them a tour of the filming location.

The historic property sits on 1.7 acres of land in Perryopolis, Pennsylvania, about 30 miles outside Pittsburgh. The film is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, but despite its age, the house still retains the aesthetics seen in the movie.

On the house’s website, Rowan says, “I genuinely feel that my passion for film, my profession, and a ‘bigger calling’ presented me with the opportunity to purchase Buffalo Bill’s House. I have so many ideas to preserve the history of the home and share it with the many who love it as much as I do. I hope to see you all soon to enjoy some fava beans and a nice chianti!”

Overnight bookings aren’t available just yet but are expected to open soon. To be notified when bookings become available, sign up for the house’s newsletter.

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