Photo: Delta

Delta’s Futuristic New Parallel Reality Boards Track You to Show Personalized Flight Updates

Technology + Gear News
by Nickolaus Hines Jul 5, 2022

It’s not uncommon for science fiction to depict hyper-individualized technology that shows personal information in public spaces. Science fiction is becoming reality in the travel industry thanks to Delta and Parallel Reality.

Parallel Reality allows up to 100 people to see their personalized flight information on the same screen. What you see depends on where you’re standing, and the displayed information looks different depending on your position. So while there is the chance that someone in the same position as you or standing behind you can see your flight information, they’d have to be within one to three degrees of your line of vision.

“If this new technology can make finding your gate and departure information quicker and easier, we’re not just showing customers a magic trick — we’re solving a real problem,” Delta’s senior vice president of customer experience Ranjan Goswami said in a statement. “Customers already rely on personalized navigation via their mobile devices, but this is enabling a public screen to act as a personal one – removing the clutter of information not relevant to you to empower a better journey.”

When it comes to following your flight, checking an airline’s app or searching for the flight on Google often does the trick. However, when flights change gates last minute or unexpectedly, your phone might not be able to deliver the most up-to-date information in a timely enough manner. Instead of scanning long flight boards in a hurry, Parallel Reality makes finding your flight all the easier.

@tiffster111 #parallelrealityexperience #delta #dtw #flight #boarding ♬ FEEL THE GROOVE – Queens Road, Fabian Graetz

The implementation has been three years in the making after Delta’s team at its global innovation center called The Hangar came across the technology from the tech start-up Misapplied Sciences.

Parallel Reality works in tandem with the digital identity technology being rolled out across airports that allow people to use facial recognition to check in rather than show their ID and boarding pass. Those who opt-in can use the same facial recognition at a kiosk screen to see their flights on the Parallel Reality board. Others can scan their boarding pass to see the same info.

You can see a demo of Parallel Reality for yourself on Concourse A of Delta’s McNamara Terminal.

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