Photo: Pug Cafe/Facebook

A French Bulldog Cafe Is Opening Up in London and It Looks Adorable

London Restaurants + Bars News Insider Guides
by Aryana Azari Aug 7, 2018

You’ve heard of cat cafes, owl cafes, and rabbit cafes popping up all over, but cafes tailored to a specific breed are a new addition to this trend. Following in the footsteps of the Pug Café, a cafe dedicated to French Bulldogs will open for one day only in London.

The French Bulldog Café will have its grand opening on September 9th in a private lounge area at The Happenstance Bar and Restaurant, located across from St. Paul’s Cathedral.

Visitors don’t need to be Frenchie owners themselves to go to the pop-up, but if you do have one of those four-legged friends at home, you can bring them to the event and have them join in on the fun. For the humans, there’ll be selection of drinks and small bites for purchase. For the dogs, there’ll be a dog-themed menu and they’ll receive a complimentary bag of doggy treats, a “pupuccino,” and “pupcorn.” Both humans and dogs alike will get the opportunity to socialize, play, and take photos with each other.

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The hours are from 10:00 AM to 7:20 PM but visitors will only be allowed in via one of the eight pre-booked time slots: 10:00 AM, 11:10 AM, 12:20 PM, 1:30 PM, 2:40 PM, 3:50 PM, 5:00 PM, and 6:10 PM. Each slot lasts 70 minutes.

The process to book is slightly different depending on whether or not you’re bringing your dog with you. At 10:00 AM (GMT) on August 18th, two email addresses will be posted on the main page, event page, and social media — one for Frenchie lovers and the other for Frenchie owners. You’ll send a booking request with the following information:

  • Full name
  • Contact number
  • Group size
  • Your two preferred time slots

If you have anyone under the age of 16 in your party, you’ll need to list their age. For owners, the only separate thing you need to do is include the number of Frenchies you intend to bring along with their photos.

If your request has been approved, you’ll be sent a PayPal link to pay for the tickets. Dogs and children under five go free, those under 16 get a 20 percent discount, and it’s £10 for owners and £15 for lovers.

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