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Israel Is Opening to Vaccinated Travelers on May 23

Israel News
by Eben Diskin Apr 14, 2021

Israel is reopening to international travelers just in time for summer. Starting May 23, the country will start welcoming vaccinated visitors as part of a phased approach.

The first phase will allow a limited number of tour groups to visit, and the number will increase based on the country’s evolving COVID-19 situation. At a later reopening date in July, individual vaccinated travelers will be allowed to enter. For all phases, vaccinated visitors must still provide evidence of a negative PCR test before entering the country, and a serological test upon arrival to prove their vaccination.

Eyal Carlin, tourism commissioner for North America, said in a statement, “We have been working to develop a plan that allows not only for the country to reopen to visitors, but also to ensure that everyone stays safe. We have come so far, and it is for this reason we are adapting this proactive strategy of having a phased opening. Sixty percent of Israel’s population has been vaccinated and with the United States and Israel using the same vaccines, we are hopeful that by summer we can open our doors wide and welcome every visitor to Israel who would like to come.”

Israel has been among the quickest countries in the world to vaccinate its citizens, putting it in a good position to reopen safely for tourism.

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