For the people of Ukraine, life as they knew it changed overnight when Russia invaded the country. While many Ukrainians evacuated and became refugees, others stayed behind, attempting to bring a sense of normalcy to their lives in the middle of a war zone. On TikTok, user Uliana is documenting living in Ukraine to raise awareness about the people still living there.
Ukrainian Shares Heart-Felt TikTok Showing What Life Was Like Before the War Versus After
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The video has been seen 2.2 million times and has racked up over 300,000 views, with many commenters from all over the world expressing support and reassurance that they haven’t forgotten about the people of Ukraine.
“i live close to the russian embassy in canada and there are people out there every. single. day. with Ukrainian flags. big love from [Canada], stay safe!” Annie B commented.
“Can’t imagine the pain and suffering you are enduring. but you will prevail! Slava Ukraini! Love from Sweden,’ @prescottscorner commented.
“Love and support from America. I’m reminded everyday by all the flags in my neighborhood,” Caterpillar House commented.
In a follow up video, Uliana also showed what her life looks like now. And while there’s a lot more rubble and a lot more air alarm sounds, she shows the resiliency of how life has continued on. She hangs out with friends at bars and walks her dog while watching her city be rebuilt and mourning the loss of those who died.