Photo: gatlinburgskylift/Instagram

The Longest Pedestrian Suspension Bridge in North America Is Opening in Tennessee

by Eben Diskin May 6, 2019

The longest pedestrian suspension bridge in North America opens this month at the Gatlinburg SkyLift Park in Tennessee. The SkyBridge crosses 680 feet over a deep valley, sits 140 feet in the air, and provides unrivaled views of the Great Smoky Mountains.

According to the Gatlinburg SkyLift Park, “Guests will be able to walk across at their own pace, taking in the views and enjoying the spectacular setting before walking back when they’re ready. The SkyBridge is an absolutely spectacular but easily attainable experience you’ll remember for a lifetime — especially as you cross the glass-floor panels in the middle of the span.”

Indeed, if you’re afraid of heights, the middle of the bridge may prove a bit difficult for you. Glass floor paneling in the bridge’s center will create the illusion that you’re floating above a precipice.

Those who are not comfortable with height may prefer to enjoy the views from the park’s new SkyDeck opening on the same day.

Located at 765 Parkway at the Gatlinburg SkyLift Park, the bridge will open to visitors on May 17 at 1:00 PM.

H/T: Lonely Planet

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